Will we have a proper public swimming pool?
After the great success of the first pop up swimming pool in Donabate last year, swim ireland is bringing the pop up to Oldcastle, in County Meath (https://twitter.com/swimireland/status/1631263302381707270)
Ireland is recognising the lack of public swimming pools in the country, and has 3 pop ups swimming pool at the moment rotating around 3 months or so in each specific location. As per swim Ireland website: “where can you access swimming when your local pool is at capacity or too far away?” (https://www.swimireland.ie/get-swimming/pop-up-pool)
That is basically the problem in the Balbriggan District. Our local swimming pool is far, far away. To be completely honest, our local swimming pool is probably not even one county, but two counties away (Meath, Louth). Ridiculous.
So fingers crossed we will have a pop up swimming pool in the interim of a much, much promised proper swimming pool, and thus creating even more awareness of this basic lack of infrastructure in this area.
Please follow us North Fingal Pool Campaign @www.SwimFingal.ie. A campaign to make a public swimming pool a reality for North Fingal