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When was the first time that Balbriggan called for a swimming pool?

Writer's picture: Laly CalderonLaly Calderon

When was the first time that Balbriggan requested a swimming pool? For many years, I heard that Balbriggan will have a public swimming pool built. For years. So I’ve decided to look into it. The first post I found was back in 2003, when Balbriggan Town Council called on Fingal County Council to provide the facility (

Next date I found was on an election campaign, in 2009, where Sinn Féin published a survey highlighting the need for the swimming pool (

We almost had the facility approved back in 2013 as an expansion of the Rugby Club (, going even to tendering process four years later in 2017 (

In 2018, 4 students decided to revive the issue again with a very interesting online survey ( and in that same year, 2018, the North Fingal Pool Campaign was born (

Since then, Balbriggan secured the approval of a swimming pool by Fingal County Council on 2019 (, with a definitive location on 2021 (

North Fingal Pool carried out an extensive survey of schools in the North Fingal area in 2022 ( where it demonstrates once again that we want a public swimming pool. Even

( states on its website the need of this facility in our town.

So….. Do you think we’ll have the swimming pool built? Do you know of any other date when the swimming pool was promised to the people of Balbriggan?

Any rumor before 2003? I would like to know

I’m supporting the campaign (, and I’ll be joining their AGM ( on the 30th this month. Come and join us



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