We the public have the power to shape policy and we should take every opportunity to do so, to ensure that our voices are heard. It was you the public, demanding a swimming pool in the Castlelands Master Plan that got us a commitment from Fingal County Council when they had been ignoring calls for a public pool for years.

We have called on our followers and supporters to engage as much as posable and call on their public reps to deliver the amenities the people call for.
In 2019 two major surveys had a huge impact on policy in regard to deliver a swimming pool. The first was the public consultation for the Draft Castlelands Master Plan emerging that priority should be given to facilities and infrastructure first and the no 1 requests by the 100 of people that made a submission was for a public swimming pool.

The second consultation was a series of public engagements and online consultations as part of the Our Balbriggan project. In addition to the suggested improvements put before the people of Balbriggan in the 'Our Balbriggan' survey, there was also an option to submit a different idea which could improve Our Balbriggan and a swimming pool for the town was the overwhelming number one demand from locals.
We must continue to keep our demand for a Public Swimming pool on the agenda, the recent updates and “work to date” documents published by Our Balbriggan are notably lacking any mention of the promised Swimming Pool. https://balbriggan.ie/
We are calling on our supporters to remind Fingal County Council, The Our Balbriggan project and your public representatives of you demand for a public swimming pool for North Fingal.
Keep an eye out for every opportunity to have your say, engage with your public representatives and spread our message.
Currently, there are four opportunities for you to have your say, no matter what every citizen should be engaging in these opportunities to shape policy anyway. We would call on you to at every opportunity mention the provision of a Public Swimming Pool, A tourist swimming themed location, a tidal pool. Submit your ideas at every opportunity.
Our Balbriggan “Local Lockdown Legacy – Get Involved”
Use the above to call for Public Swimming pool facilities, Tourism & Leisure Park type Swimming, Tidal Pools at Bramore. Submit your ideas.
Thank You Our Balbriggan
Thank You Our Balbriggan www.balbriggan.ie/thank-you-our-balbriggan/
Submit a video, thank the North Fingal Pool Campaign for getting a swimming pool on the agenda.
Fingal County Council Surveys
Local Property Tax - Public Consultation Phase 2021
Fingal County Council welcomes submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services. https://consult.fingal.ie/…/local-property-tax-public-consu…
Agree to a small increase in property tax subject to money being used to provide a Swimming Pool in Balbriggan.
Smart Balbriggan Survey
Balbriggan is to become the first ‘Smart’ town in Ireland. Smart Balbriggan will look at how smart city technologies can improve life in Balbriggan for its residents, businesses and visitors. The smart district will trial and test technologies and innovative initiatives to improve service delivery and quality of life for the community. The results of this survey will help prioritise and shape Smart Balbriggan district projects and initiatives.
Use this survey to call for a public swimming pool that can utilise solar power. Innovative technologies.