Please see the response to my motion in regards to the provision of a public swimming Pool. It has received support from all the Councillors.I will continue to push for a swift conclusion to the feasibility study
BALBRIGGAN/SWORDS AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (Services B – Strategic & General Matters) THURSDAY 8 TH FEBRUARY 2018 ITEM NO. 72 SWIMMING POOL REPORT - BALBRIGGAN Motion – Cllr M Quinn “That this Balbriggan Swords local Area Meeting calls upon the Chief Executive to conduct a feasibility study on the development of a public swimming pool in North Fingal and to present it to a future Balbriggan/Swords Local Area for discussion” Report: As outlined at the December Area Committee meeting the Council is currently working with a procurement specialist to develop a tender to engage a consultant to carry out a feasibility study on the provision of a Multi-Use Recreational Facility including the viability of otherwise of a public swimming pool for Swords and the area north of Swords including Balbriggan and its hinterland. Following the initial meeting with the procurement specialist it has been agreed to take a two phase approach to this tender. It is intended to tender first for a Gap Analysis report which will provide the baseline data for the second phase of the tender. This gap analysis will include population stats/growth projections and existing facilities both public and private within the area of the tender, mapping this data will be part of the tender request. Elected members will be kept advised as the tender process progresses.