Following our very successful public meeting on Thursday 30th November 2023 attended by over 120 local people in the Milestone Inn, Balbriggan, we are now moving to the next stage in the campaign for a swimming pool in North Fingal.
We are calling on you to sign our petition and to ask others to sign the petition for a public swimming pool in North Fingal. We need to build public support for this campaign so as to impress upon Fingal County Council and whoever else needs to hear, that there is big demand for a swimming pool. We know there is demand but we need to show it, so please sign the petition https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/swimming-pool-for-north-fingal?source=rawlink&utm_medium=myuplift&utm_source=launched&share=ada3a7b7-807c-4f52-8fc0-b12979902886
The meeting which heard from campaign Chairman David Flynn outline why we need a pool in Balbriggan. He said: 'It is a vital facility because we have large numbers of children and young people who do not have swimming skills because they have not been taught. Only six out of twenty three schools in the area surveyed said they have swimming in their curriculum'.
He added: 'the main barrier for children developing swimming skills and others accecss swimming for therapeutic and health reasons is the lack of a swimming pool. Access to a pool means time and money spent commuting out of town for this vital necessity'.
The meeting was attended by Louise O' Reilly TD and local Councillors Grainne Maguire, Karen Power, Tony Murphy and Tom O' Leary who offered their support alongside local Fianna Fail Area Rep Sinead Lucey Brennan.