BALBRIGGAN/RUSH-LUSK/SWORDS AREA COMMITTEE (Services B - Strategic and General Matters) 12th OCTOBER 2023 ITEM NO. 27

REQUIREMENTS FOR BALBRIGGAN POP UP POOL - AIO92040 Question: Councillor B. Ryan “To ask the Chief Executive to outline in detail the requirements, including technical and electrical specifications, for a pop-up swimming pool project to proceed in Balbriggan?”

Fingal County Council in partnership with Swim Ireland have reviewed a number of possible sites across the county for the location of the Pop-up Pool project including a number of sites in the Balbriggan area. The Pop-up Pool requires that the site location meet several requirements including technical and electrical specifications in order for the project to proceed as planned. Initial Site Screening Criteria include the following;
• 12m width x 22m length x 4m height, footprint plus safety boundary of 3.4 metres on all sides for emergency vehicular access.
• Access to public toilet facilities including disability access toilets site or the ability to facilitate portable toilets which will require an extension of the site footprint
Site must be level ground flat and of even grade or be made level and inspected by a competent person as such prior to installation
• Ground composition must be level hard surface of even grade or soil that can support a minimum of 50.66 tonnes of weight. This is to protect the surrounding environment, prevent accidents and protect any underground utility infrastructure which is below the ground including fresh, foul and surface water related pipes, drains, culverts and other utilities where their integrity is paramount. • Must be easily accessible by foot/cycle, public transport, car, minibus and emergency vehicles.
• Must have hardcore parking area and area to accommodate minibus drop off and turning space
• Site must be fully accessible for those with limited mobility including and especially routes between parking, pool entrance, toilet facilities and designated emergency evacuation area
• Ability to connect to 3-phase power supply – as this is not standard, existing electrical supply must be able to accommodate a 3-phase connection at minimum. • Adequate area and site lighting
• Secure area/facility • Uninhibited access to foul drain • Uninhibited access to fire hydrant
• Access to running water – domestic tap
• Accessible by lorry – both in angle of entry, height and width
• Access to the site from 7:30am to 10pm 7 days per week
• Site ownership/rental/lease agreements must in correct legal order to facilitate suitable insurance coverage being acquired by Swim Ireland
If a lease/licence is in place, it is likely that it will need to be legally amended on a temporary basis for the duration of the pool being onsite to allow for insurance to put in place to cover the pool site and grounds and exclude any other activities which may be adjacent on site. This is assessed on a case-by-case basis and where possible and necessary, assistance may be provided by the Council to assist landowners/Boards of Management/leaseholders etc as appropriate to the specific site, with meeting the legalities arising from insurance concerns. The above is a good indicator of “basic essential requirements” however it cannot be seen as an exhaustive list as each site considered differs in topography, ground type, access, ownership/management arrangements this sometimes results in additional site-specific issues arising which the Council strives to provide workable solutions where possible.
Source of Reply: Naomi Weir, SEO Community & Sports