Following many meetings and updates, 100's of hours of meetings The Land Development Agency issues notice to seek planning permission for 817 new homes at Castlelands, buildings of 6 stories and similar densities as the original draft Master Plan. Many 1000s of submissions were made and we were told the development would be reduced to 600 homes and all infrastructure roads, bridges etc would all be in place prior to development, no mention of any of these considerations and now not even a mention of the Public Swimming Pool offered as a concession.

The people of Balbriggan called for lesser density, lower heights and infrastructure and amenities first!
None of this is accounted for
In 2018 thousands made submissions based on a post here
Cllr Tony Murphy issued the below statement. Tagging various Fingal County CouncilDepartments, FCC CEO and Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien

Some details can be found in the Pleanála website :
We in North Fingal Pool Campaign will keep you informed on any further update. We have until mid May to submit our appeals. Check our website, Facebook or twitter for more information. A campaign to make a public swimming pool a reality for North Fingal