I have a friend. She was a writer. She used her hands and wrist everyday so much, she got arthritis, or the arthritis she had got worse, it is very difficult to pinpoint which started first. The point is that the pain got so bad that some days she couldn’t really use the hands that much. Not a very good thing with she needed her hands in her day to day job.
She then discovered swimming. OMG she said. Pain never went away, but it kept the symptoms at bay. Swimming got the pressure off the joints. The more she swam, the more she felt in control. The arthritis never stopped, but she did manage it.
How many people are in North Fingal with long term health conditions, where very little can be done medically? How can they keep active, when just even a bit of exercise can be excruciating?

Swimming should be a basic skill that everybody should have. It benefits everybody, I am talking not only about primary school children. Think bigger, think disadvantage groups like the old generations, autistic children, people on need of rehabilitation, people who wants to be fit and healthy.
I would say just keep swimming. Work together with us, and we’ll get the pool, eventually. Fingal County Council has to deliver. We in the Committee are still fighting. North Fingal population is increasing exponentially in just a short number of years and many of those are children. We need amenities, we need a life. We do need a pool.
www.SwimFingal.ie. A campaign to make a public swimming pool a reality for North Fingal