Council Chamber meeting, Monday 9 September, Agenda point 35
David Storey, Director of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel & Sports Department for Fingal County Council addresses the councillors with the following report.

There was provision in the 2024 capital budget to engage consultants to do a feasibility study of Castlelands, Balbriggan for a Public swimming amenity. Fingal County Council (FCC) in partnership with Swim Ireland have engaged a company called Recreation, who are experts in Modular pools in the UK and the group travelled to the Raynam in the UK to see a modular pool, which had a gym and other facilities near a school. FCC have asked Recreation to look at the Balbriggan site in that context. They have also asked Recreation to look at the business case for running the pool in Balbriggan as there are several models being used by local authorities. Both these reports are due to complete by October this year and the results will be reported back to the council committees and North Fingal Pool Campaign (NFPC). Storey also stated that in addition Fingal County Council have submitted a ‘Large Scale Sport Infrastructure’ grant application for the Castlelands Pool and this will be discussed later in the year.
A brief summary of the meeting:
Full point 35 regarding the swimming pool: A campaign to make a public swimming pool a reality for North Fingal
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