Fingal County Council (FCC) presented its plan for the near future in its Fingal Development Plan 2023 - 2029. There is NOTHING for the Balbriggan and surrounding areas regarding infrastructure nor amenities. The swimming pool is not even included there! This is the swimming pool that FCC itself committed to deliver to our area, and it's not even in this plan.
When North Fingal Pool Campaign met Fingal County Council last month, they advised us to make a submission to the Fingal Development plan 2023-2029, indicating the lack of infrastructure and the need of a swimming pool in the area. They actually advised us to include it there. There is more chance to have more amenities in our area if these amenities are included in this development plan, they said.
The deadline is Thursday 12 May!! It is just next week.
Submissions are free, and you can make your voice heard in this link below: https://consult.fingal.ie/.../draft-fingal-county...

North Fingal Pool Campaign is making a submission to the section 1, written statement: Chapter 4: Community Infrastructure and Open Space, highlighting the lack of infrastructure and need of a swimming pool
Fingal County Council met North Fingal Pool Committee a couple of times and confirmed that it is committed to see the swimming pool built. Why isn't in the plan? Why is not funding allocated? The swimming pool needs to be included. We need more infrastructure for the community we have. There is nothing to do for the youngest population in Ireland if not in a club. We need the pool. Make your submission. Have your say.