COMHAIRLE CONTAE FHINE GALL FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL Meeting of Balbriggan – Swords Area Committee (Services B – Strategic & General Matters) 14th December, 2017 ITEM NO 38 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL FOR BALBRIGGAN WARD
Question: Councillor B Martin “To ask the Chief Executive to conduct a feasibility study on providing a public swimming pool to serve the entire Balbriggan Electoral area?”
Reply: The Council is currently in the process of organising a tender to engage a consultant to carry out a feasibility study on the provision of a Multi-Use Recreational facility including the viability or otherwise of a public swimming pool for Swords and the area north of Swords including Balbriggan and its hinterland. The study will strategically inform multi-purpose leisure facility provision in the context of the Fingal County Development Plan and the Healthy Ireland Strategy. Elected members will be kept advised on this process.