Calling on our Public Reps, Community Leaders, Business People, Clubs & Organisation Leaders.
We need you to show your support.
We would be very grateful if you would respond to the 3 questions below.
Our website www.swimfingal.ie has attracted huge support with several hundred already signing up for news and updates. Our Questionnaire has also generated a big interest and some valuable data from the public on the type of facility they require. https://www.swimfingal.ie/questionnaire
On this testimonial page we are featuring our key supporters to include a brief statement in relation to our campaign. We are actively reaching out to Public representatives, Community Leaders, Business People and relative individuals and groups.
1) Do you support the need for a Publicly available Swimming Pool in North Fingal?
2) Do you agree the location of the pool should be within a 15k radius of Balbriggan?
3) In your own words can you provide a statement in relation to your support for a Swimming Pool in North Fingal?
Click here to complete your responses or simply reply to this email with your response.
Kind Regards
North Fingal Pool Committee
Don't see your representative?
Please copy and paste this link into a message and send to them and ask to respond.

Joe O'Brien TD
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) "As a local Councillor for Balbriggan last year I questioned the Council of the feasibility study for a pool in the north county. I was assured that publication of the study was imminent at the time (November)."

Canditare Alistair Smith
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) A swimming pool in North Fingal would be great for the surrounding communities.

Cllr Tony Murphy
1) Yes
2) No, the pool should be in Balbriggan
3) I have debated recently in Fingal at ACM live against Swords Councillors to have the swimming pool built in Balbriggan.

Cllr Dean Mulligan
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) I unreservedly support the campaign for a publicly funded swimming pool in North Fingal. As an area with one of the youngest demographics, this facility is a necessity for young people and families, as a health & sports amenity. Swimming is for old and young alike, for public health and relaxation. Leaving this in the hands of hotels and private sports facilities reduces access and is unacceptable. Public pools were provided to the working classes over 100 years ago, with all our new wealth there is no excuse other than lack of political will.

Cllr Tom O'Leary

Paul Mulville

Senator Clifford - Lee
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) I am fully supportive of your campaign. I have raised this matter in the Seanad on several occasions and will do all I can to see it delivered. It’s a vital piece of infrastructure for the large population in North Fingal

Cllr Karen Power
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) For a number of reasons we need the amenity of a swimming pool in our local area but those aside it is fundamental given where we live, our location to the coast that our children in particular should have a local swimming pool where they can take lessons and develop their confidence in the water. Yes, personally it is shocking it is not already provided to the community as an amenity

Louise O'Reilly TD

Cllr Seana O'Rodaigh

Glen Brady

Duncan Smith

Cllr Grainne Maguire
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) A commitment has already been given that the swimming pool will be developed as part of the Castlelands Masterplan and we need to continue to work together to ensure that this vital community facility is provided before any other development is started on this site.

Daragh O'Brien TD
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) I am fully supportive of the committees campaign for a swimming pool in North Fingal and I am committed to working to see that it is delivered. The 2016 Census confirmed that Fingal is the youngest constituency in Ireland and also the fastest growing one, we need proper amenities and facilities for our young people and their families.

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) totally committed to making the pools reality. Doing what ever contrition to making it happen.

Alan Farrell TD
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) I am fully committed to social infrastructure for Balbriggan and will work with all public representatives to deliver for the community.

Terry Kelleher